Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Very Sleepy Thursday...

Today, one of my first graders walked in the door and said "Mrs. M, the white on your top and gray on the bottom looks weird... I'm not sure why..." As I posted on my facebook, I am not sure what to think when a six year old critiques my fashion sense. Do I tell her my thinking? Do I ask what she would have done better? Should I just smile and nod? What do you think of my OOTD? (My blogger is being frustrating so I have the tights pictured before the outfit... Sorry!)


  1. Haha kids are funny. You should have asked how she would have changed the outfit- you never know. Maybe she has some good fashion tips.

    I like ur outfit! Try adding different accessories- like a long necklace or a maybe a deep purple cardigan to add more color fun!

  2. Thanks! I think next time this outfit hits the rotation, I'll add a necklace. I was loving my "President's wife" look with the pearls. I'll just have to mix it up next time.
